We Care Arts

Friday, June 26, 2015

Chalk Vases and Sugar Scrubs in Mason Jars in our Gift Shop

We have just designed a new line of chalk painted vases and sugar scrubs in mason jars for our gift shop at We Care Arts. 

The vases are decorated on the front with a few simple natural objects.  They are painted with the current colors of chalk paints, distressed and protected with a matte varnish.

The vases are left unpainted on the inside for your favorite flower arrangement and they are perfect for silk flowers.

These vases are a popular centerpiece in wedding decorations or for your home.

The sugar scrubs are made by We Care Arts and come in several scents.  They make your hands so soft and smell nice.

The containers are mason jars, again painted with the chalk paints and decorated with natural and other objects. The sugar scrub container can be used for decoration and match our vases.

The vases and sugar scrubs are priced at $15.00 and $12.00. Stop in our gift shop at 3035 Wilmington Pike in Kettering for these and other great gifts for yourself and others!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Mexican Round Mirrors Art Project

This is an art project which was taught to several of the We Care Arts classes including Memory Units, Special Needs High Schools and Developmental Disabilities Centers. 

Mexican Round Mirrors is a mixed media project and a fun way to introduce students to Mexican designs, working in the round and metal embossing. A big thank you to Dynamic Senior Solutions in Beavercreek, Ohio Seniors and their Care Partners for the great art work!

The round design is drawn on a thicker paper, such as bristol board, tagboard or poster board. Find 3 circles that fit nicely with each other. You need 3 round objects such as plates or bowls in three sizes or use a compass. 

Trace around the three round shapes with a black Sharpie. In the center circle, write the words, "no color" in the smallest circle so the student will not make a design where the aluminum will be glued. The drawing of the circles was done by a We Care Arts Instructor beforehand, but older students could do it on their own.

Mexican designs can be found in textiles - clothing and molas and in mexican tile design. Samples of Mexican designs will help the students come up with their own.

In the first and second circle border, have the studet draw some 
 simple designs with black Sharpie.  More detailed black designs can be drawn now, or after the color is put in as is the next picture.

The colors used are bright and bold to mimic the feel of the Mexican designs. Use watercolor markers, such as Crayola brand to color the borders so the black line does not smear. Teach your students to use the side of the marker for faster coloring rather than using just the tip. The watercolor markers will not smear the black line design as permanent markers would.

 The center of the design is a round piece of 36 guage of alumminum. Trace the size of circe wanted on the alumunin with black Sharpie, then cut out with heavy duty scissors. 

With a sharpened dowel rod or a pencil draw a line design on the aluminum. Place the aluminum on a padded surface to achieve the embossing. Folded newspaper is a easy solution for the padding. The design can be embossed from the back, or just colored with the Sharpie colored markers.  Watercolor markers will just wipe off of the metal.

After both designs are done, use a hot glue with care to glue the metal circle to the base. Put the glue onto the poster board, then stick the metal circle to it. Quickly turn the whole circle over and press down. Be careful because the metal will get hot due to the hot glue applied.
Many of the artists chose to put their name of initial in the center.
These round Mexican "Mirrors" can be placed a wall for bright decoration.